Bug - step 2 Curation generation - 'Catalogue of Life database not found'
mkbdr curegen --fasta res_raw_faulty_taxon.fasta \
--database_globalnames 'Catalogue of Life' \
--output_prefix res_raw
Results - 10/12/2021
Albula forsteri;Albula argentea;Albula;Albulidae;species;NCBI synonym score=1.0
Amphiprion fuscocaudatus;NA;NA;NA;NA;FAILURE: Catalogue of Life database not found in globalNames query
Atherinomorus lineatus;NA;NA;NA;NA;FAILURE: Catalogue of Life database not found in globalNames query
Results - 15/05/2021
Albula forsteri;Albula argentea;Albula;Albulidae;species;NCBI synonym score=1.0
Amphiprion fuscocaudatus;NA;Amphiprion;Pomacentridae;genus;Catalogue of Life
Atherinomorus lineatus;NA;Atherinomorus;Atherinidae;genus;Catalogue of Life