... | @@ -13,76 +13,3 @@ The solution is to navigate to the folder `.../ete3/ncbi_taxonomy/SQLite-Levensh |
... | @@ -13,76 +13,3 @@ The solution is to navigate to the folder `.../ete3/ncbi_taxonomy/SQLite-Levensh |
Reference : https://github.com/etetoolkit/ete/issues/173
Reference : https://github.com/etetoolkit/ete/issues/173
## Usage
First time loading the taxdump
mkbdr validate --fasta resources/test/raw.fasta \
--ncbi_taxdump "TAXO/taxdump_2021.tar.gz" \
--output_prefix "test_raw"
taxdump previously loaded (faster)
mkbdr validate --fasta resources/test/raw.fasta \
--output_prefix "test_raw"
Apply curation
mkbdr validate --fasta resources/test/raw.fasta \
--curate curated_taxon.csv
--output_prefix "test_curated"
Generate a curation csv file
mkbdr curegen --fasta test_raw_faulty_taxon.fasta \
--output_prefix "test"
Specify the globalnames database to query
mkbdr curegen --fasta test_raw_faulty_taxon.fasta \
--output_prefix "test" \
--database_globalnames 'Catalogue of Life'
crash test
python3 mkbdr validate --fasta teleo_ok.fasta --curate curated_taxon.csv --output_prefix "truc"
cd TAXO/testouille; tar zxvf taxdump_2021.tar.gz ; cd ../../
python3 mkbdr validate --fasta teleo_ok.fasta --curate curated_taxon.csv --output_prefix "truc" --curate curated_taxon.csv --ncbi_taxdump TAXO/testouille --ncbi_taxdump_edition
mkbdr validate --fasta teleo_ok.fasta --curate curated_taxon.csv --output_prefix "laetinicer" --ncbi_taxdump_edition --ncbi_taxdump TAXO/testouille
conda activate obitools
ecotag -t TAXO/testouille -R truc_valide.fasta -m 0.95 -r nimp.fasta
### Taxdump Files
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump.tar.gz
tar zxvf taxdump.tar/gz
cd TAXO/testouille; tar zxvf taxdump_2021.tar.gz ; cd ../../