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Simulations of metabarcoding data from fish 12S Teleo1
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khalid / Dadi
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThis fork implements two optimization functions : optimize_anneal and optimize_dual_anneal
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A SaltStack formula to check a list of services from pillar data.
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remy / jsonreader2
Apache License 2.0Public copy from internal jsonreader2 project Jsonreader2 is a PHP Web parser for JSON files mainly used for SaltStack reporting.
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remy / ldap_synchro
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA way to setup LDAP synchronization fastly from a debian-like distro.
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Rscripts and link to our server to download and assign environmental data to sample according to their coordinates
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edna / GAPeDNA
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Data for the tutorial on how to analyze DNA metabarcoding data produced on Illumina sequencers