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A collection of scripts used to do genome assemblies from raw sequencing data
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Codes Pierre-Edouard Guerin wrote for the scientific paper "Predicting genotype environmental range from genome–environment associations"
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Source code to fit a competitive Lotka-Volterra Model to tri-specific time series (using Rstan).
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GBS workflow using dDocent. This was designed to process GBS data from SEACONNECT project.
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MOTU clustering and taxonomic assignation using SWARM method from eDNA NGS raw data
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Comparison of multiple bioinformatic programs for each step of eDNA analysis
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Simulations of metabarcoding data from fish 12S Teleo1
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This workflow will use a pseudo aligner (Kallisto or Salmon) to quantify transcript abundance and test for differential expression.
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Global determinants of freshwater and marine fish genetic diversity
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