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Seek positions of variants onto genome and check if they are on an annotated region e.g. coding region. Then seek the proteic function of the gene
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MOTU clustering and taxonomic assignation using SWARM method from eDNA NGS raw data
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Codes Pierre-Edouard Guerin wrote for the scientific paper "Predicting genotype environmental range from genome–environment associations"
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This project is aimed at providing a list of "Ethical' journals where ISEM's researchers are used to publishing there works.
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A program to detect potential cross contaminations in HTS assembled transcriptomes using expression level quantification
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A program to detect potential cross contaminations in HTS assembled transcriptomes using expression level quantification
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This project has for goal to filtrate efficiently eDNA sequences after PCR amplification and NGS, in order to eliminate the false sequences generated by these technologies.
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This project aims to compare twelve bioinformatics pipelines based on five existing metabarcoding programs to make recommendations for data management in intraspecific variability studies using environmental DNA.
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Rscripts and link to our server to download and assign environmental data to sample according to their coordinates
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