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  • pfreon's avatar
    Major changes on reordering of questions, additional warnings + minor changes · 4200adf9
    pfreon authored
    Arbre-decison.csv + + Reordering of the first questions.
    QuestionReponse: Addition of a warning when the number of exploited year-classes is >8 (and reduction of the range of choice offered for this variable).
    Changes in related to the previous comimit on stock-structure (metapopulation), + changes in the titles of the graphs (main and axes).
    Addition of a Fake data file .CLI with 13 years of observation.
    Cadre_ModeleDirect. Java:  Addition of a warning when the number of exploited year-classes is >8 (and reduction of the range of choice offered for this variable) consistent with Addition of error messages when there are inconstancies in the values of ages (begining, end of environmental influence, number of exploited year-classes). Addition of a warning when the number of df of the model is <10 (in addtion to <12). Changement mineurs de titres de graphiques (weighted, etc.) et rajout de commentaires.