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  • pfreon's avatar
    Medium changes on naming the type of models & jackknife plots titles & Current known facts outputs · 9c1f6cc2
    pfreon authored
    The naming of the type of models is change with the use of Linear (Graham-Schaefer model)", "Exponential (Fox model)", "Generalized (Pella & Tomlinson model)",  and "Exponential_additive" for CPUE = f(E) and "Linear", "Exponential", "Power", "Power", "Non-monotonic"  for CPUE = f(V).
    Addition of facts related to the model selection in the frame "Current known facts" when repeating the use of the sub-menu "Fit a model directly".
     Jackknife plots titles displayed on two lines.
    Change in the title of the the sub-menu Make (or open) a history html folder, with addition of "& plots".